"Self Nourishment is a Beautiful Life"

"Self Nourishment is a Beautiful Life"

A guest blog post by Lauran Ware (https://www.comehealing.co.uk/)

You are what you absorb (food, energy, environment). 

To really flourish in life you must first believe you matter and then treat yourself accordingly. The amount to which you thrive emotionally is always related to how well you take care of yourself. Are you taking care of yourself as though you are a VIP? Or are you giving yourself the cheap seats? 

 Self care is all about nourishment and we can nourish ourselves in so many ways. We can also deprive ourselves in exactly the same ways. I want you to take a minute now and mark on the line below how much you feel you are nourishing yourself in three key life areas, 1 being not nourishing myself at all, to 10 perfectly nourished and fulfilled. 


Psychological Nourishment: The extent to which you look after your mental and emotional wellbeing.



Nutritional Nourishment: The foods you eat and products you use


Physical Nourishment: The extent to which you look after your physical body and environment



Psychological Nourishment is associated with the quality of our internal lives. The way we feel about ourselves in relation to others and also how we feel when we are by ourselves. 

A psychologically nourished person is one who is able to freely express themselves, to give love and to show love for self. Tools for Psychological nourishment may include learning a new skill, or reading a book (self help or otherwise). Engaging in meditation, learning skills and techniques to enable healthy, honest and boundaries communication. Having a confidant, friend or therapist who you can practice relational intelligence with and discuss healthy versus unhealthy relational interactions with is also a cornerstone of emotional and mental wellness and nourishment.

Nutritional Nourishment - The 'foods' you put IN and ON your body can significantly affect your mental and emotional wellbeing. Micro-biologists and psychologists alike are constantly doing research into the effects of gut microbiology and mental health - it is one of the more prolific fields of mental health research right now.

This occurred after preliminary research findings suggested that the gut microbiome is literally swarming with neurotransmitters. Chemicals like dopamine and serotonin (that enable communication among neurons) are found in proliferation in the gut affecting 

  1. Brain chemistry, 
  2. Stress
  3. Emotional regulation.  

There is also a considerable body of evidence to suggest a comorbidity between mental health and digestive disorders, IBS, bloating etc. 

With all of this in mind what you eat and the products you put on your body are incredibly important for emotional wellness. I personally eat organic and only use organic skincare wherever I can. The other simple ‘fix’ you can do is to commit to one meal a day that contains some green vegetables.

Our skin, the largest organ in the human body, our protective cloak, is an often forgotten element when it comes to nutrition - yet it is often our most important. Your skin is an organ of ingestion so I always say ‘if you wouldn’t put it in your body don't put it on your body’. I love the organic ingredients in the Evolve Skin Care range, particularly the African Orange Hand & Body Wash and Lotion, the Hyaluronic Serum 200 and the Daily Defence Moisture Mist.  

hyaluronic acid serum

 Emotional and mental wellness can absolutely be supported when we are mindful of what we put in and on our bodies.


Environmental Nourishment - many of us don’t realise how much we are shaped by our environment. The places we choose to ‘put’ ourselves have a profound impact on the lives we lead. If we live in a city we need to take time to reconnect with the elements and cycles and the natural rhythms of life in order to feel whole. Humans and their environments are inextricably linked. So how do you give yourself environmental nourishment? I identify three key areas of environmental nourishment, these are: nature, exercise & physical space. 

In terms of nature, ensure you take the time to do some ‘earthing’ each week, you can walk barefoot in a safe green space. Lay on the grass or if you can’t get outside buy yourself a plant,  peace lilies or some succulents work particularly well if you’re just starting out. 

Exercise for emotional wellness is also brilliant, it helps us to feel embodied when our minds take over, brings us ‘down to earth’ and allows for deep breathing. Take some time to observe your surroundings and breathe consciously if you’re overwhelmed. Choose whatever physical activity feels best for you, your body and your fitness level. I find yoga is brilliant, jogging, martial arts, whatever works for you.

The spaces you choose to inhabit is the final area for you to consider in terms of environmental nourishment. I’m not saying you have to live in a mansion by the seaside to be emotionally well, but we all know how amazing it feels to walk into a clean home or when we burn candles or sage. This also includes taking the time to engage in harmonious communication with those we reside with.


With the above in mind I want you to ‘rescore’ yourself on our three key life nourishment area’s  

Psychological Nourishment: The extent to which you look after your mental and emotional wellbeing.



Nutritional Nourishment: The foods you eat and products you use



Physical Nourishment: The extent to which you look after your physical body and environment



If you marked less than earlier - what is one thing you can do today to improve this score - buy or borrow a book, call a friend, buy a product, take a walk in nature, call a friend and get honest. 


So to recap: 

Psychological Nourishment, engaging in meditation, learning skills and techniques for emotional mental and spiritual growth and self care, reaching out to a confidant, friend or therapist.

Nutritional Nourishment be mindful of what you put in and on your body, go organic, eat your greens, shop at your local farmers market.

Environmental Nourishment, lay in the grass, buy a plant, clean your home, burn a candle, do some physical activity, take some conscious breaths.


Remember with all of this stuff, it’s progress and not perfection. It’s about being mindful of how we are nourishing ourselves. Rather than using this as a strict doctrine, use it as a guide for ways to help nourish yourself when you need it. You’ve got this!


May your life be your masterpiece in progress as ever we are becoming. L x.


This post was written by Lauran Ware. 

Lauran is an Emotional and Mental Wellness Therapist (EMWT) and principal therapist at Come Healing. She believes that to  heal mental and emotional disturbances requires the right tools. Her background in Psychology has given her an amazing understanding of mental health pathology and diagnosis, however, she believes true healing comes from looking at our emotional and mental lives and using the tools that keep us emotionally well.   

You can discover more about Lauran at Come Healing here.


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